Poitou Goat – Characteristics, History, Uses, and Care Guide

The Poitou goat, or Chèvre de Poitou, comes from the Poitou region in France. It stands out with a long, thick coat. This coat makes it a prized breed for its milk, meat, and wool.

Over the years, Poitou goats have been very important to people. They provide milk, meat, and wool – essential resources. These goats can thrive in many different places because they can adapt well.

Eponimm, CC BY-SA 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Key Takeaways:

  • The Poitou goat is a breed of domestic goat native to the Poitou region of France.
  • Known for its unique appearance, the Poitou goat has a long, thick coat that is highly prized for its wool.
  • The breed has a rich history and has been used for its milk, meat, and wool throughout the years.
  • With its adaptability to different climates, the Poitou goat is a popular choice for farmers and homesteaders.
  • Proper care and maintenance are essential for keeping Poitou goats healthy and thriving.

Poitou Goat Breed History and Origin

The Poitou goat comes from France’s Poitou region and goes back many years. People believe it started when wild goats mixed with domestic ones the Moors brought in. These goats were used mainly for their wool, which was great for making fancy fabrics. But they also got famous for their milk and meat. Now, the Poitou goat is rare, and folks are working hard to keep its original traits alive.

The story of the Poitou goat begins long ago in France’s Poitou region. Around the medieval times, the Moors brought their domestic goats to this area. The goats mixed with wild ones here, leading to the special breed we have today. People in Poitou focused on the goat for its top-quality wool. This wool was highly prized in the fabric world. Yet, with time, the Poitou goat was also valued for its milk and meat. Now, it is a rare breed, and many are striving to save its unique traits.

Poitou Goat Characteristics and Appearance

The Poitou goat is a large and majestic breed with unique features. It stands out for its size, strong build, and long, thick wool that looks like dreadlocks.

The males can reach 150-200 pounds, while females weigh between 100-150 pounds. They have broad chests and strong legs, making them very robust.

Its long, coarse wool is a key trait that makes the Poitou breed special. The wool can be up to 20 inches long. It helps them stay warm and dry. The brown or black wool only adds to their stunning looks.

Poitou goats also have big, curved horns. These horns look beautiful and show off their natural power.

Distinctive Characteristics:

  • Large size, with bucks weighing between 150-200 pounds and does weighing between 100-150 pounds
  • Sturdy build, with a broad chest and strong legs
  • Long, thick, and coarse wool that grows up to 20 inches in length
  • Brown or black wool color
  • Large, curved horns that sweep back from the head

The Poitou goat’s appearance is truly captivating, attracting attention and admiration wherever it goes. Its imposing stature, long and thick wool, and elegant curved horns make it a sight to behold.

The Poitou goat’s unique features help it stand out. Whether in lush fields or at shows, they catch the eye. Their looks not only please us but also show their strength and ability to survive in various places.

Now let’s look at how the Poitou goats handle different weathers and places. This shows how they are strong and can fit many roles.

Poitou Goat Climate Tolerance and Hardy Nature

The Poitou goat is known for handling different climates well. It is loved by farmers and homesteaders in many places.

The goat’s woolly coat is a big reason for its success. It keeps them warm in cold weather. Their long, thick wool gives them great insulation, helping them stay warm.

Its size and build also play a role in its hardiness. Their big chests and strong legs help them in tough terrains. These features let them live in both hot and cold areas easily.

In cold winters or hot summers, the Poitou goat does well. Their resilience and adaptability are key to this.

They fit into different climates without needing special care. This makes them a convenient choice for farmers.

The Poitou goat is a great breed for many reasons. It can live in various places, making it a top pick for goat fans everywhere.

Poitou Goat Behavior and Temperament

The Poitou goat has a calm and friendly nature, making it easy to take care of. They love being around other goats. They fit well in both small and big farms because they’re so nice.

These goats are gentle and easy to manage. They are fine in various farm setups and don’t need a lot of attention. They are a good pick for both new and experienced farmers.

“Poitou goats are very friendly and easy to handle. They work well in big farms and small ones too.”

Caring for Poitou Goats

If you want your goats to be happy and healthy, you have to take good care of them. Here’s how:

  • Feeding: Give them a mix of grass, hay, and extra food. This makes them healthy and hardworking.
  • Water: Always have clean water for them to drink. This is very important for their health, especially during hot seasons and when they are nursing.
  • Grooming: Keep their thick wool clean and neat. Sometimes, they need to be sheared to stay cool and comfortable.
  • Housing and Security: They need a safe place to live. This keeps them safe from bad weather and predators. A good house is a happy house for goats.

Also, make sure they see the vet on time and get the right vaccines and medicine. This kind of care helps them live longer and better lives.

Behavior and TemperamentCare and Maintenance
Poitou goats are friendly and love being with other goats. Their upbeat nature makes them a joy to have.To keep Poitou goats healthy, they need good food, staying clean, and having a safe home. This is very important.

The Poitou goat’s friendly ways and easy care make it perfect for farmers and homesteaders. They are great companions and useful for their owners too.

Poitou Goat Care and Maintenance

Taking good care of Poitou goats is key to their health and happiness. They need the right diet, grooming, and place to live to do well. These tasks help them thrive.

Diet and Nutrition

Poitou goats must eat well to be healthy. Their meals include grass, quality hay, and special feed. They should always have fresh, clean water to drink.

Grooming and Wool Shearing

Keeping Poitou goats groomed stops their wool from tangling and keeps them cool. Their thick, long wool needs regular brushing. Shearing their wool in spring keeps them comfortable in summer.

Safe Enclosures

Poitou goats need a safe and clean area. The fence must be high and strong to keep them safe from danger. It’s important to check the fence often for damage.

Stocking Rate and Grazing Land

It’s best to have 6-10 goats on each acre, but this can change based on grazing quality. Good land is essential for their health and nutrition. Moving them to new pasture often keeps the land and goats in good shape.

Summary and Conclusion

Caring for Poitou goats means healthy meals, keeping them clean, and a safe home. With enough space and proper care, they will thrive and be a wonderful part of your farm or home.

Poitou Goat Breeding and Reproduction

Poitou goats are known for their special traits and how well they can adapt. They tend to breed in the fall. Taking care in breeding and birthing plays a big part in their health and how well they produce.

Gestation Period and Birthing

The time from pregnancy to birth for Poitou goats is around 145-155 days. During this time, it’s key to watch the pregnant goats closely. They need good food, checkups from the vet, and a calm world. This helps the baby goats grow strong and healthy.

Does might show they’re about to give birth by acting restless, making a comfy place, and moving like they’re in pain. It’s important that where they give birth is clean and cozy. This helps make sure they give birth safely and without too much stress.

“The birthing process of Poitou goats is a beautiful and natural event. The mother usually positions herself comfortably and delivers the kids with minimal assistance.”

Does usually have 1-2 babies, but this can change. Baby Poitou goats, or kids, usually weigh around 8-12 pounds. They can stand and drink milk on their own very soon after being born.

Lactation Period and Milk Production

Once they give birth, does start making milk for their babies. This usually lasts 6-8 weeks. What the does eat and how they’re milked matter a lot during this time. It keeps the babies healthy and growing.

Does need a good diet, which includes plenty of good food and extra feed, during this time. Making sure they always have clean, fresh water is also very important. This keeps them healthy and hydrated.

Poitou goat milk is high quality and is good for making cheese and butter. Farmers and people who live on their land, or homesteaders, find it very useful.

Breeding and Kidding Management

It’s crucial to keep a good eye on breeding and birthing the Poitou goats. Proper planning and timing of breeding is key. It makes sure the goats are healthy and their babies will be too.

Important steps for this include:

  • Performing routine health checks on breeding does and bucks
  • Ensuring proper nutrition and body condition of breeding animals
  • Monitoring reproductive cycles and heat detection
  • Implementing safe and efficient breeding methods, such as natural service or artificial insemination
  • Providing appropriate prenatal and postnatal care for does and kids

By carefully managing how Poitou goats breed and give birth, breeders can keep their herds healthy, working, and varied.

Gestation Period145-155 daysThe time from when goats get pregnant to when the babies are born.
Number of Kids1-2Most times, does will have 1-2 baby goats, but this can change.
Lactation Period6-8 weeksThe time when does make milk for their babies.
Weight of Newborn Kids8-12 poundsWhen born, a Poitou kid weighs about 8-12 pounds.

Poitou Goat Products and Uses

The Poitou goat is a very useful type with many benefits. One big use is its milk, perfect for dairy. This milk is great for cheese, butter, and yogurt because of its taste and creaminess. Dairy fans love it.

This goat also gives quality meat. Its lean meat is loved for being tasty. You can cook it in many ways, and it’s always delightful.

Its wool is another prized item. The Poitou goat’s wool is long and coarse, making it stand out. It looks like it has dreadlocks. This wool is perfect for making comfy clothing, blankets, and rugs. People love it for its warmth and strength.

The Poitou goat is indeed special. It is valued for its milk, meat, and wool. Many like farmers, chefs, and artists find it very useful.


What is the scientific name of the Poitou goat?

The scientific name of the Poitou goat is Capra aegagrus hircus.

What other names is the Poitou goat known by?

The Poitou goat is also known as Chèvre de Poitou.

What is the breed history of the Poitou goat?

The Poitou goat comes from the Poitou region of France. It’s a mix of wild and domestic goats from the Moors.

What is special about the Poitou goat?

The Poitou goat has a one-of-a-kind look. It has long, thick, woolly hair and big, curly horns.

What are the characteristics of the Poitou goat?

Poitou goats are big with a strong body. They’re known for their long, thick hair. They are calm and friendly.

How long do Poitou goats live?

Poitou goats live for about 12-15 years on average.

What is the size of a Poitou goat?

Males (bucks) grow to be 150-200 pounds. Females (does) weigh 100-150 pounds.

What colors can Poitou goats come in?

Poitou goats are usually brown or black.

Are Poitou goats hardy?

Yes, Poitou goats thrive in various climates because they are hardy.

Do Poitou goats need the company of other goats?

Poitou goats are very social and love being around other goats.

How many Poitou goats should I have in a herd?

For Poitou goats, 6-10 goats per acre is good. It depends on the available land and its quality.

What is the temperament of Poitou goats?

Poitou goats are known for being calm and gentle. They are easy to manage.

How do I take care of Poitou goats?

They need good food, regular grooming, and access to clean water. Ensure they have a clean and safe place to live. Trim their wool when needed so it doesn’t mat or cause overheating.

When do Poitou goats breed?

Poitou goats breed in the fall, making them seasonal breeders.

How much does a baby Poitou goat weigh?

A newborn Poitou kid weighs between 8-12 pounds.

What are the uses of the Poitou goat?

Poitou goats are valuable for their milk, meat, and wool. Their milk is perfect for cheese, butter, and more. The meat is tasty and their wool is of high quality.

How much meat can I get from a Poitou goat?

From one goat, you can usually get 40-60 pounds of meat.

How does Poitou goat meat taste?

Poitou goat meat is lean, tasty, and has a mild, unique flavor.

When is the ideal age to butcher a Poitou goat?

Poitou goats are usually ready for butchering at 9-12 months old.

How can I purchase Poitou goats?

Look for them at farms, auctions, and from trusted breeders. You can also find them online and at agricultural fairs.

Are Poitou goats rare?

Yes, Poitou goats are a rare breed. Steps are being taken to keep their genetic variety alive.

Can the wool of Poitou goats be used for making products?

Yes, Poitou goat wool is prized for its quality. It’s used in making luxurious textiles.

Are Poitou goats easy to milk?

Milking Poitou goats is quite easy. Their milk is great for making dairy products.

How much milk can a Poitou goat produce per day?

A Poitou goat can give 1-2 gallons of milk daily, on average.

What are the pros of using Poitou goat milk?

Poitou goat milk is of high quality. It’s excellent for making cheese, butter, and yogurt.

What are the cons of using Poitou goat milk?

The only downside of Poitou goat milk is that it might not produce as much as some other breeds.

Where can I buy Poitou goats?

You can buy Poitou goats from reputable breeders, farms, or at livestock auctions. Online, there are also many platforms and agricultural fairs that sell them.

How much do Poitou goats cost?

The price of Poitou goats ranges from 0 to 0. The cost varies by age, gender, and pedigree.

Are Poitou goats a rare breed?

Yes, Poitou goats are indeed a rare breed. Efforts are ongoing to save their unique genetic heritage.

What are some fun facts about Poitou goats?

Fun fact 1: Poitou goats’ wool is unique and needs special care to maintain it.Fun fact 2: They are among the largest and heaviest goat breeds globally.