Kri-kri Goats – Characteristics, History, Uses, and Care

Kri-kri goats, also known as Cretan Ibexes, are feral goats from Crete. They have a long history, going back to the Neolithic period when they were first kept by people. Now, they are at risk because their numbers are low, and they might mate with domestic goats.

These goats are unique in many ways. They can be brown, gray, or black and have long, curved horns. They are friendly and like to be around people, which makes them a big hit with visitors to the island.

Kri-kri goats thrive in Crete’s rugged landscape. They can handle tough weather and are great climbers. This helps them find food and avoid danger.

Taking good care of Kri-kri goats is crucial. It’s important to protect them from mixing with domestic goats. This keeps their special genes safe. We also need to stop illegal hunting and make sure their home stays safe.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kri-kri goats, also known as Cretan Ibexes, are feral goats native to the island of Crete.
  • They have a long history, dating back to the Neolithic period when they were first domesticated.
  • Kri-kri goats come in a variety of colors and are characterized by their long, curved horns.
  • They are adaptable to different climates and have a friendly and social temperament.
  • Proper care and maintenance are crucial for preserving the Kri-kri goat population.

Goat Breeding and Reproduction

Goat breeding and reproduction are key in goat farming. They’re important for a successful farm. Kri-kri goats have their own unique traits and reproductive patterns, which help with their adaptability and high productivity.

Kri-kri goats breed once a year, from late summer to early spring. During this time, does can mate every 21 days for a short period. This means they’re ready to mate with a buck during these times.

Bucks are ready to mate in the fall season. Choosing a good quality buck is crucial for producing healthy offspring. The buck’s genetic traits can greatly influence the kids’ future.

For kri-kri goats, pregnancy lasts around 5 to 6 months. They usually have one to two babies at a time, but sometimes more. Giving birth is quick, and newborns can stand and move around soon after.

Keeping an eye on baby goats’ weight is very important. The kids’ weight tells a lot about their health and future growth. Make sure they’re eating well and growing right.

Goat breeding and making sure baby goats grow well is essential for any farm. It helps keep the goat population strong and healthy. By paying attention to breeding, pregnancy, and baby goat care, farmers can make their herds thrive.


  1. Statistical genomic study involved the re-sequencing of samples from 46 goats, which included Korean indigenous goats, Korean Saanen, and Korean Boer, along with publicly-available goat genomes.
  2. The study analyzed whole-genome variations of 10 goat breeds, including indigenous and commercial breeds, as well as an ancestral species (C. aegagrus).
  3. The study aimed to unravel the genomic characteristics of Korean indigenous goats, compare genetic relationships between breeds, and identify selection signals for environmental adaptation.
  4. Genomic data from the study and publicly-available goat genomes were processed and analyzed for variant calling against the reference goat genome (CHIR v2.0).
  5. The genomic characteristics of Korean indigenous goats have been impacted by the introduction of commercial breeds in Korea, leading to hybridization and potential loss of unique genetic traits.

Products and Uses of Kri-kri Goats

Kri-kri goats offer many products that are valuable. Their milk, meat, and wool serve multiple industries well. We will look at the uses of Kri-kri goats in detail.

Milk Production

Kri-kri goats are great at producing milk. This milk is full of nutrients and easy to digest. It’s a good option for those who can’t drink cow’s milk. People often use it to make yogurt and cheese. Its creamy texture and unique flavor make dishes special.

Meat Production

Kri-kri goats are also known for their meat. It tastes like veal or venison. The meat is becoming more popular because it’s tasty, lean, and healthy. It’s used in many dishes worldwide, from simple meals to gourmet cooking.

Wool and Hair

Kri-kri goats’ wool and hair are valuable, especially to the textile industry. The fibers are soft and make great clothing and home goods. Their wool is warm and lasts long, perfect for knitwear. The goats’ hollow hair is good for insulation.

Other Uses

Kri-kri goats are useful beyond their main products. Their skin makes durable goatskin for items like gloves and bags. Some keep them as pets or for small farms. They are liked for being adaptable and friendly.

With milk, meat, wool, and skins, Kri-kri goats help many industries. Their usefulness and value make them a top choice for farmers and consumers.

Care and Maintenance of Kri-kri Goats

Proper care is key for kri-kri goats’ health. Nutrition, hygiene, and herd size are vital. They help the goats stay healthy and happy.


Kri-kri goats need a balanced diet for good health. This includes grass, grains, and forage. Don’t forget to give them fresh water to drink.

Health Issues

Keep kri-kri goats safe from health issues with check-ups and shots. Watch how they act and look for signs they might be sick. Always talk to a vet if you’re not sure.

Cleaning and Hygiene

Clean living spaces are important for kri-kri goats. This includes their shelter and where they eat. Regular cleaning and hoof care keep them healthy.


Sometimes kri-kri goats need to be sheared. It keeps them cool and helps their skin stay healthy. Find someone who knows how to shear goats well.

Herd Size

These goats like being with others. A small to medium-sized goat group is best for them. This makes sure they are happy and healthy.

Give kri-kri goats what they need for a good life. Take care of their food, home, and friends. This way, you and the goats will both enjoy their company.

Conservation and Protection Efforts

Kri-kri goats are at risk due to many threats. One big threat is mixing with domestic goats. This mixing can hurt the kri-kri goats’ unique genes. To stop this, a strict program is in place. It keeps kri-kri goats from breeding with domestic ones. This helps keep the kri-kri goats’ special traits and genes safe.

Controlling poaching is also key to saving kri-kri goats. Illegal hunting and trading harm these endangered goats. Authorities keep watch over where the goats live. They stop poachers and make sure the law is followed. This work helps protect the goats and lessen poaching.

Keeping track of the goats’ numbers helps their survival. Conservationists watch how many goats there are and how they are doing. This helps them learn about the goats’ lives and what they need. They use this info to keep the goats safe and healthy.

Also, how tourism is managed in Crete’s mountains matters. This is where kri-kri goats are. By making sure that tourism doesn’t hurt the goats’ home, there is a good balance. This way, people can enjoy the area, and the goats can thrive. It also helps avoid damage from too much building.

Preserving Biodiversity

Preserving the kri-kri goats is part of a larger effort to save Greece’s special plants and animals. Many species are unique to Greece, making it essential to protect them. This includes plants, insects, and more that are only found in Greece.

Greece is focused on saving its special plants. Even though many of these plants only grow in Greece, some are at risk. This is why protected areas, like national parks, have been set up. They offer a safe place for these plants to grow.

Protecting the sea and its creatures is important too. The rare Mediterranean Monk Seal is one such example. With only about 500 left, it needs help. Keeping its habitat safe is vital to its survival.

All these efforts aim to keep Greece’s nature beautiful for the future. By working together, we can make sure Greece’s special plants and animals continue to thrive.

Interesting Facts About Kri-kri Goats

Kri-kri goats stand as unique creatures full of intrigue and fascinating history. They’re known as symbols of resilience and have a noteworthy goat history. These goats are like living links to ancient times because they haven’t changed much over the years. Their story goes back to old times, even appearing in Homer’s Odyssey.

These goats were once important in ancient worship in Crete, Greece. They symbolized strength and resilience, much like the people of Crete. Kri-kri goats used to roam widely in the Aegean region but are now mostly in the White Mountains of Western Crete.

Despite being a vulnerable species, there is hope for the Kri-kri goats. In the 1960s, their numbers dropped to under 200, placing them in serious danger. But, thanks to conservation work, their population is now about 2000. These goats are known for being excellent climbers and very agile.

Thodorou island, west of Chania city, is a special place where you can see these amazing goats. It’s a protected area and home to about 100 Kri-kri wild goats. On June 8th, visitors get one day a year to visit and see the goats in their natural home.


What are some other names for the Kri-kri goat?

The Kri-kri goat is also known as the Cretan Ibex.

What is the scientific name of the Kri-kri goat?

The scientific name for the Kri-kri goat is Capra aegagrus cretica.

What is the breed history of the Kri-kri goat?

The Kri-kri goat has a long history. People started keeping them in the Neolithic period.

Where do Kri-kri goats originate from?

Kri-kri goats come from the island of Crete.

What is special about Kri-kri goats?

Kri-kri goats are unique and at risk. They are special because of their looks and ability to live in different places.

What are the characteristics of Kri-kri goats?

They are friendly and enjoy being around others.

How long do Kri-kri goats live?

Kri-kri goats live for several years.

What do Kri-kri goats look like?

They come in many colors and have special horns.

How big are Kri-kri goats?

They are medium-sized and grow to a certain size.

Are Kri-kri goats hardy?

Yes, Kri-kri goats can survive in many different places. They are known for being tough.

Do Kri-kri goats need other goats?

Kri-kri goats are social and do well with other goats.

How many Kri-kri goats should be kept in a herd?

The best size for a Kri-kri goat herd can vary.

Are Kri-kri goats easy to keep?

With proper care, keeping Kri-kri goats is not hard.

Are Kri-kri goats friendly?

Yes, they are friendly and easy to look after.

What health issues do Kri-kri goats face?

They may need regular check-ups and shots to stay healthy.

What do Kri-kri goats eat?

They eat grass, grains, and other found plants.

How much do Kri-kri goats eat per day?

Their daily diet varies but is usually well balanced.

How much water do Kri-kri goats need per day?

They need plenty of water each day to be healthy.

How should Kri-kri goats be kept clean?

Clean living areas and good hygiene are important for them.

When should Kri-kri goats be sheared?

Shear them as needed for their comfort.

How many Kri-kri goats can be kept per acre?

The number of goats per acre depends on many things.

When do Kri-kri goats breed?

They have babies in the fall and winter. This season ends in early spring.

How long is the gestation period of Kri-kri goats?

Pregnancy lasts about 150 to 180 days for Kri-kri goats.

How many kids do Kri-kri does give birth to?

Does have one or two kids at a time.

What is the weight of baby goats?

Baby goats’ weight changes but should always be healthy.

What are the uses of Kri-kri goats?

They are used for their meat, wool, and milk.

How much meat can be obtained from Kri-kri goats?

The meat amount varies, based on different factors.

What does Kri-kri goat meat taste like?

Kri-kri goat meat tastes like veal or venison.

At what age can Kri-kri goats be butchered for meat?

They can be butchered at a certain age for the best taste.

Is there a demand for Kri-kri goat meat?

Yes, goat meat, which includes Kri-kri, is wanted in many foods.

What products are made from Kri-kri goat meat?

Sausages and cured meats are made from their meat.

Can Kri-kri goats be kept for wool and hair?

Yes, their wool and hair are used in making clothes and more.

What products can be made from Kri-kri goat wool?

It’s used for items like yarn, clothes, and blankets.

Are Kri-kri goats easy to milk?

Some are easier to milk than others.

How much milk can a Kri-kri goat produce per day?

Their daily milk amount changes. It’s known for being good for us.

What dairy products can be made from Kri-kri goat milk?

Cheese, yogurt, and butter are made with their milk.

What are the advantages of keeping Kri-kri goats for dairy purposes?

Their milk is easy to digest and rich in nutrients.

What are the disadvantages of keeping Kri-kri goats for dairy purposes?

But, milking them needs a lot of work and resources.

Where can I buy Kri-kri goats?

Look for them at trusted breeders and farms.

How much does it cost to buy Kri-kri goats?

Prices vary, based on age, gender, and where you buy from.

Are Kri-kri goats rare?

Yes, they are rare and considered in need of protection.

What are some interesting facts about Kri-kri goats?

Kri-kri goats are known as living fossils and have existed since ancient times.