Dera Din Panah Goat – Characteristics, History, Uses, Care

The Dera Din Panah goat is well-known for its high milk production. It comes from Punjab, Pakistan, from areas like Multan and Muzaffargarh. This breed has a long history of selective breeding for top-notch dairy products.

These goats are a medium size. The males weigh about 61.7 kg and the females about 40.9 kg. They stand out with their long, hanging ears and can handle various environments well. They do best in hot weather and don’t need a lot of special attention.

These creatures are not just hardy; they’re also kind and easy to deal with. They make great pets if you’re looking to take care of goats. To keep them healthy and productive, give them good shelter, balanced food, clean spaces, and vet check-ups.

Key Takeaways:

  • The Dera Din Panah goat is a domestic breed primarily raised for its exceptional milk yield.
  • Originating from Pakistan’s Punjab province, this breed has been selectively bred for high-quality dairy products.
  • Dera Din Panah goats have medium size, long ears, and are well-adapted to different environments.
  • They are hardy animals that thrive in hot weather conditions and require minimal special care.
  • Providing adequate shelter, balanced nutrition, proper hygiene practices, and regular veterinary care is crucial for their health and productivity.

Appearance and Size of Dera Din Panah Goats

Dera Din Panah goats are unique and medium-sized. They have long ears that drop to their necks, making them look lovely. Bucks are about 81 cm tall, and does reach 70 cm, which is compact.

The males weigh around 61.7 kg, with females lighter at 40.9 kg. They’re manageable due to their size. This makes them perfect for farming tasks.

These goats sport a short coat, from white to light brown. Their spiral horns are eye-catching. These features add to their appeal and build.

Ultimately, the mix of size, unique ears, coat colors, and horns makes Dera Din Panah goats stand out. They are a top choice for farmers and fans.

Climate Tolerance and Hardy Nature of Dera Din Panah Goats

Dera Din Panah goats are well-known for their ability to deal with different climates. They come from the Multan and Muzaffargarh areas in Pakistan. These places are in the Punjab province.

These goats are great in hot weather. They handle high temperatures easily. This makes them perfect for hot places.

They don’t need a lot of special care, unlike some other goat breeds. Their tough nature lets them handle many different conditions. For goat farmers, this means less work and more efficiency.

No matter how tough the weather gets, these goats stay strong. They are valuable because they are so adaptable and resilient. Farmers can rely on them in many different conditions.

Benefits of Climate Tolerance and Hardy Nature

Climate-tolerant goats benefit both farmers and the goats. Farmers save money because they don’t need extra climate control. This lets them focus on other parts of farming. The goats’ ability to do well in different climates means a steady supply of milk and meat.

The hardiness of Dera Din Panah goats also means they stay healthy. They are good at staying in shape. This keeps them from getting sick and helps them live longer and produce more.

In summary, Dera Din Panah goats are a top choice for farmers who want adaptable animals. They shine in hot weather and do well in many climates. Since they don’t need a lot of special care, they are a smart choice for efficient farming.

Advantages of Climate Tolerance and Hardy NatureDera Din Panah Goats
1. Adaptability to various climates
2. Thrive in hot weather conditions
3. Minimal special care requirements
4. Reduced risk of diseases
5. Improved longevity and productivity

Care and Maintenance of Dera Din Panah Goats

Taking good care of Dera Din Panah goats is key. These goats are strong and need little extra care. But, it’s important to make sure they have the right living conditions and attention.


Dera Din Panah goats need a good shelter from bad weather. Their housing must be big, with enough light and air, and good drainage. This keeps them safe and comfortable when it’s too hot or rainy outside.


Giving these goats a balanced diet is vital for their health and how much they produce. They should eat high-quality hay or grass, plus some barley or corn. This gives them all the nutrients they need to be healthy and make good milk.


Always have fresh, clean water available for the goats. Water is very important for their digestion, metabolism, and health. Check their water often to make sure it’s full and clean. This helps keep them hydrated.

Veterinary Care

It’s a must to have the goats checked by a vet often. This helps prevent and catch any sickness early. Make sure they get their vaccinations and are dewormed when the vet says so. It keeps them in top shape.


Keeping everything clean is a big step in avoiding sickness among the goats. Clean their eating and milking spots often. Also, you need to keep their living area clean, without any waste or germs around.


Regular grooming is essential for Dera Din Panah goats. This means trimming their hooves often. It stops them from getting hurt and keeps them healthy. A clean living space is also crucial to their well-being.

Care Tips for Dera Din Panah Goats
Provide adequate shelter with proper ventilation, lighting, and drainage
Feed a balanced diet consisting of high-quality hay or grass and supplements
Ensure clean drinking water is readily available at all times
Schedule regular veterinary check-ups for vaccinations and deworming
Maintain good hygiene by regularly cleaning feeding and milking equipment
Regularly groom the goats, including trimming their hooves and maintaining a clean living area

Breeding and Reproduction of Dera Din Panah Goats

Dera Din Panah goats have a unique process for breeding and giving birth. Their breeding cycle is linked to seasons and hormone changes. They usually breed in October and November, known as the breeding season.

During breeding season, does show signs that they’re ready to mate. Signs include tail wagging and making sounds.

For mating to be successful, introducing a fertile buck is crucial. The buck will mount the does and show he is dominant. This happens quickly but several times to increase the chances of fertilization.

Their pregnancy lasts around 150 days after a successful mating. Proper nutrition and care for the does are important during this time. This care helps their babies grow and develop well.

As the time to give birth nears, the does show signs like being restless. Labor usually takes 1 to 4 hours. After birth, the does take care of their kids by licking them clean and helping them feed. A clean and cozy spot is necessary for the newborns’ health.

Does produce milk for up to eight months after giving birth. They give about three liters a day. Right milking techniques and a nutritious diet help maintain milk production and the kids’ growth.

Kids’ birth weight ranges from 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg due to various factors. It’s vital to watch over their growth and give them the care they need. This helps them grow healthy.

Knowing the breeding and birthing ways of Dera Din Panah goats is essential. With great care and the right breeding methods, goat farmers can keep their herds happy and productive.

Products and Uses of Dera Din Panah Goats

Dera Din Panah goats are very useful in agriculture and farming. They are best known for their milk. During the milking season, they can produce up to 3 liters of milk each day. This milk is used to make cheese, yogurt, and butter.

These goats also provide quality meat. Their meat is popular for making many tasty dishes. People enjoy the food made from these goats.

Additionally, their wool is great for making fibers. These fibers are used to create textiles and other products. They are perfect for industries that need strong and natural materials.

Overall, Dera Din Panah goats play a big role in dairy, meat, and fiber industries. They are essential in farming and agriculture.


What are some other names for the Dera Din Panah goat?

The Dera Din Panah goat is also called the Multan goat or the Muzaffargarh goat.

What is the scientific name of the Dera Din Panah goat?

Its scientific name is Capra aegagrus hircus.

What is the breed history and origin of the Dera Din Panah goat?

Originating from Pakistan, this goat is from the Multan and Muzaffargarh districts. It’s a domestic breed known for high milk yield.

What is special about the Dera Din Panah goat?

Known for its excellent milk production, it’s highly valued in the dairy industry.

What are the characteristics of Dera Din Panah goats?

They are medium-sized, with males weighing about 61.7 kg and females about 40.9 kg. Dera Din Panah goats have long, hanging ears and a short coat. Their horns are spiral, and they have a sturdy build.

How long do Dera Din Panah goats live?

They live, on average, 12 to 15 years.

What is the noise level of Dera Din Panah goats?

They are quiet animals and don’t make a lot of noise.

How should Dera Din Panah goats be cared for and maintained?

These goats need a good shelter, balanced food, and regular check-ups. Providing a spacious, well-ventilated home is essential. Feed them high-quality hay or grass. Clean water and regular grooming are also a must.

Are Dera Din Panah goats hardy and adaptable to different climates?

They are hardy and can handle hot weather well. They are ideal for their native Pakistan regions.

Do Dera Din Panah goats need companions or other goats?

These goats are social but don’t must have companions. Yet, being in a group is good for their happiness and mental health.

How many Dera Din Panah goats should be kept in a herd?

Start with at least two goats. The number needed depends on space and other resources.

Are Dera Din Panah goats friendly and easy to keep?

Yes, they are known for being gentle and friendly. They make great pets and are easy to manage.

What specific care do Dera Din Panah goats require?

They need a good shelter, correct food, and regular health checks. A spacious, clean home, a balanced diet, and grooming are crucial.

Do Dera Din Panah goats have any health issues?

They are generally healthy. Still, regular vet visits are crucial for their well-being.

What do Dera Din Panah goats eat?

They feed on grass or hay, mostly. Sometimes, they also get grains like barley or corn.

How much do Dera Din Panah goats eat per day?

They eat about 2-3% of their weight daily. This varies based on age, size, and how active they are.

How much water do Dera Din Panah goats need per day?

They need access to fresh water all the time. They drink about 3-4 liters a day, depending on the season.

When do Dera Din Panah goats need to be sheared?

They don’t require shearing. But, regular grooming and hooves trimming are essential.

How many Dera Din Panah goats can be kept per acre?

About 4-6 goats per acre is common, depending on the pasture and resources.

When do Dera Din Panah goats breed?

They breed when in heat, usually in the fall or winter.

How long is the gestation period for Dera Din Panah goats?

Their gestation period is about 150 days.

How long is the lactation period for Dera Din Panah goats?

They can produce milk for up to eight months.

How much do baby Dera Din Panah goats weigh at birth?

On average, they weigh about 2-3 kg at birth.

What are the products and uses of Dera Din Panah goats?

They are mainly used for milk. Their high production, about 3 liters a day, is used for dairy. They are also good for meat and their hair and wool for fiber.

How much meat can be obtained from Dera Din Panah goats?

Each mature goat can yield 30-40 kg of meat.

How does the meat from Dera Din Panah goats taste?

It’s known for being tender and tasty.

At what age are Dera Din Panah goats butchered for meat?

They are usually ready for meat at 6-9 months.

Is there a demand for meat from Dera Din Panah goats?

Yes, their meat is in demand for its quality and flavor.

What products can be made from the meat of Dera Din Panah goats?

Meals like kebabs, curries, and stews can be made from their meat.

Is Dera Din Panah goat kept for its wool or hair?

Though they have wool, they are kept mainly for milk and meat. Yet, their wool and hair can be used for small projects.

What products can be made from the wool of Dera Din Panah goats?

Their wool goes into making items like yarn, felt, and textiles.

Are Dera Din Panah goats easy to milk?

Yes, with training, they are. They can provide plenty of milk a day.

How much milk do Dera Din Panah goats produce per day?

They yield up to 3 liters daily.

What are the features of the milk from Dera Din Panah goats?

It’s rich and has a lot of butterfat. Ideal for making many dairy products.

What dairy products can be made from the milk of Dera Din Panah goats?

Cheese, yogurt, butter, and desserts are some things you can make.

What are the advantages of raising Dera Din Panah goats?

Their high milk yield and adaptability make them great to raise. They are also hardy and easy to care for.

Are Dera Din Panah goats rare?

They are not considered rare. They are found in certain regions of Pakistan.

Where can Dera Din Panah goats be purchased?

Look for them at local breeders, fairs, or livestock markets.

What is the cost to buy Dera Din Panah goats?

Prices vary on things like age and location. Asking local sellers is your best bet for accurate prices.

What are some fun facts about Dera Din Panah goats?

They have long ears and are great milk producers. They are also known for being kind and friendly to people.