Barbari Goats – Characteristics, History and Care Guide

Barbari goats are a unique breed known for their distinct characteristics, history, and the care they require. Originating from the north-western arid and semi-arid regions of India, these small-sized meat goats have also made their way to countries like Pakistan, Mauritius, Nepal, and Vietnam. With their compact bodies, bulging eyes, and twisted horns, Barbari goats have captured the attention of farmers and goat enthusiasts alike.

Indusgf, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Key Takeaways:

  • Barbari goats are small-sized meat goats primarily found in India.
  • They have a compact body, bulging eyes, and twisted horns.
  • Barbari goats are adaptable to different climates and have a high reproductive rate.
  • Proper housing, nutritious feeding, and regular health care are essential for their well-being.
  • Raising Barbari goats can be profitable with the right planning and management.

Physical Characteristics of Barbari Goats

Barbari goats are known for their unique physical attributes that set them apart from other goat breeds. These small-sized animals have a compact body with medium proportions, making them easily manageable and ideal for small-scale farming.

One of the distinctive features of Barbari goats is their bulging eyes, which give them an alert and curious appearance. Their short, tubular ears complement their facial structure, adding to their overall charm and appeal.

The bucks, or adult male goats, are easily recognizable by their large and thick beard. This masculine characteristic adds to their attractiveness and distinguishes them from the female goats, also known as does.

Another notable physical trait of Barbari goats is their twisted horns, which grow in a manner that is directed upward and backward. These horns, although not excessively long, contribute to their unique and characteristic appearance.

The coat color of Barbari goats can vary, but the most common color pattern is white with small light brown patches. This coloration adds to their aesthetic appeal and gives them a visually pleasing appearance.

When fully mature, a male Barbari goat, or buck, can weigh around 37.85 kg. In comparison, the female Barbari goat, or doe, typically weighs about 22.56 kg. Despite their smaller size, Barbari goats are robust and hardy animals that can adapt well to various climates and environmental conditions, making them suitable for different farming practices.

With their distinctive physical characteristics, Barbari goats are not only a valuable addition to any goat farm but also a delightful sight to behold.

Housing and Feeding of Barbari Goats

Barbari goats, known for their small size, require less housing space compared to larger goat breeds. On average, a mature Barbari goat needs about 10 square feet of housing space. The housing should prioritize a good ventilation system to ensure proper air circulation. It is essential to keep the housing clean and dry, as dampness can lead to health issues for the goats.

Feeding Barbari goats a nutritious diet is crucial for their overall health and productivity. These goats require a diet that is high in protein and fiber. It is recommended to feed them a combination of hay, grass, and legumes to meet their dietary requirements. Including a variety of forages and browse offers a well-rounded nutritional profile for the goats. Along with forage, providing mineral supplements can further enhance their health.

Clean and fresh drinking water should be readily available to Barbari goats at all times. Water plays a vital role in their digestion and overall well-being. It is important to regularly check the water sources to ensure cleanliness and prevent contamination.

Proper housing and feeding practices are essential for the health and growth of Barbari goats. The combination of a well-ventilated housing system, a nutritious diet, and access to clean water will contribute to the overall well-being of these goats.


“Providing adequate housing space and a nutritious diet is crucial for the health and productivity of Barbari goats. Proper ventilation, cleanliness, and access to clean water contribute to their overall well-being.”

Housing and Feeding Requirements for Barbari Goats

Require less space due to their small sizeNeed a diet high in protein and fiber
Average of 10 square feet per mature goatInclude hay, grass, and legumes in their diet
Good ventilation systemSupplement with mineral supplements for optimal health
Clean and dry housing environmentProvide access to clean and fresh drinking water

Breeding and Caring for Barbari Goats

Barbari goats are a highly productive breed, known for their excellent breeding capabilities and overall hardiness. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced goat farmer, understanding the breeding and care requirements of Barbari goats is essential for their well-being and maximizing their potential. This section will provide valuable insights into Barbari goat breeding and the necessary care practices to ensure their health and productivity.

Barbari Goat Breeding

Barbari goats are natural breeders and have a high fertility rate. With the proper ratio of bucks to does, the breeding process becomes even more efficient. It is recommended to keep one mature, healthy buck for every 25-30 does to maintain optimal breeding success.

During the breeding season, which typically occurs from August to February, it is crucial to observe the behavior of the does to determine if they are in heat. Signs include increased vocalization, restlessness, and discharge. Once in heat, the doe can be introduced to the buck for natural breeding to occur.

Alternatively, artificial insemination (AI) can be used for breeding Barbari goats. AI allows farmers to access high-quality genetic material and improve the overall productivity of their herd. It is essential to work closely with a veterinarian experienced in goat reproduction for successful AI procedures.

Caring for Barbari Goats

Proper care and regular health check-ups are crucial for ensuring the well-being of Barbari goats. Here are some key care practices to consider:

  1. Vaccinations: Vaccination plays a vital role in preventing common diseases and ensuring the goats’ overall health. Consult with a veterinarian to develop a vaccination schedule based on the specific diseases prevalent in your area.
  2. Deworming: Regular deworming is essential to control internal parasites and maintain the goats’ optimal health. Deworming should be done at least every three to four months, or as advised by a veterinarian.
  3. Nutrition: Providing a balanced and nutritious diet is essential for the growth and productivity of Barbari goats. Their diet should include a mix of good-quality forage, such as hay and pasture, along with appropriate concentrates and mineral supplements.
  4. Shelter: Barbari goats require suitable shelter to protect them from extreme weather conditions. The shelter should be well-ventilated, clean, dry, and offer adequate space for the goats to move comfortably.
  5. General Care: Regularly monitor the goats for signs of illness or discomfort. Keep their living areas clean and provide them with fresh water at all times. Additionally, ensure proper hoof trimming to prevent foot-related issues.

By implementing these breeding and care practices, you can raise healthy and productive Barbari goats that contribute to your farming success.

Benefits of Proper Breeding and CareCaring Practices
1. High reproduction rates– Regular vaccinations
2. Improved genetic traits– Deworming
3. Enhanced productivity– Balanced nutrition
4. Disease prevention– Suitable shelter
5. Healthy and happy goats– General care


Barbari goats are a unique breed that offers great potential for meat production. Their distinct physical characteristics, such as their compact body, bulging eyes, and twisted horns, make them easily recognizable. One of the key advantages of raising Barbari goats is their adaptability to various climates.

To ensure a profitable Barbari goat farming business, it is essential to have proper planning, care, and management strategies in place. Start by researching local regulations and requirements to ensure compliance. Selecting the right breed is crucial, and Barbari goats are a reliable choice for meat production.

Providing appropriate housing and feeding is vital for the health and well-being of the goats. A well-ventilated and clean shelter, along with a nutritious diet high in protein and fiber, will support their growth and productivity. Additionally, developing a breeding plan will help maintain a healthy herd and maximize profitability.

Health care and processing goat products according to best practices are key factors in the success of a Barbari goat farming business. Regular vaccinations, deworming, and timely access to veterinary support will ensure the goats’ well-being. Proper processing of goat products will help maintain quality and enhance marketability.


What are the characteristics of Barbari goats?

Barbari goats are small-sized meat goats with a compact body, bulging eyes, and twisted horns. They have a white coat with small light brown patches.

Where do Barbari goats originate from?

Barbari goats are primarily found in the north-western arid and semi-arid regions of India, but they are also found in Pakistan, Mauritius, Nepal, and Vietnam.

Are Barbari goats friendly?

Barbari goats can be friendly if they are properly handled and socialized from a young age.

What is the lifespan of a Barbari goat?

The lifespan of a Barbari goat is typically around 10 to 12 years.

Do Barbari goats have any health issues?

Barbari goats are generally hardy, but they can be prone to common goat health issues such as parasites, respiratory infections, and foot problems. Regular vaccinations and deworming are important for their well-being.

What do Barbari goats eat?

Barbari goats have a diet that consists of hay, grass, legumes, and other nutritious feeds. They require a diet high in protein and fiber.

How do you keep Barbari goats clean?

Barbari goats should be housed in clean and dry environments with proper ventilation. Regular cleaning of the housing area and providing clean bedding will help keep them clean.

When should Barbari goats be sheared?

Barbari goats should be sheared in the spring before the hot summer months to help them stay cool.

Are Barbari goats easy to keep?

Barbari goats are relatively easy to keep as they are hardy and adaptable to various climates. However, they do require proper housing, feeding, and regular health care.

How many Barbari goats can be kept per acre?

The number of Barbari goats that can be kept per acre depends on the quality and availability of grazing land. As a general guideline, one acre can support around 5 to 10 Barbari goats.

Do Barbari goats breed year-round?

Barbari goats have a seasonal breeding pattern and typically breed from September to November. However, with proper management, they can be bred throughout the year.

What are Barbari goats used for?

Barbari goats are primarily raised for meat production, but they are also good milk producers. Their meat is highly valued for its taste and texture, and their milk is used to make various dairy products.

How much do Barbari goats cost?

The cost of Barbari goats can vary depending on factors such as age, gender, and location. On average, a Barbari goat can range from 0 to 0.

Are Barbari goats rare?

Barbari goats are not considered a rare breed, but their population is smaller compared to other popular goat breeds.

Do Barbari goats taste good?

Yes, Barbari goats are known for their delicious meat that has a unique flavor and tenderness.

How big do Barbari goats get?

Barbari goats are small-sized goats. A mature buck weighs around 37.85 kg, while a doe weighs about 22.56 kg.

Can Barbari goats be milked?

Yes, Barbari goats can be milked, and they are good producers of rich, creamy milk.

What are the advantages of raising Barbari goats?

The advantages of raising Barbari goats include their high reproductive rate, adaptability to various climates, and their ability to produce both meat and milk.

What are the disadvantages of raising Barbari goats?

The disadvantages of raising Barbari goats include the need for proper housing, feeding, and regular health care. They are also prone to common goat health issues and require attentive care.

What is special about Barbari goats?

Barbari goats have distinct physical characteristics, including their twisted horns and compact body. They are known for their high fertility and adaptability to arid and semi-arid regions.